Sunday, February 1, 2015

Need for Space

This was yesterday's tarot reading: Following the Hermit's example and shutting yourself away with your thoughts won't exactly provide much reassurance for those around you today, dear Donna! Thanks to the influence of the Moon, your nearest and dearest are plagued by doubts and imaginings and don't really understand your withdrawn attitude and need for solitude. They feel uncertain, imagining the worst and quickly concluding that your outward coldness is a form of rejection. So make an effort to connect with others and reassure them a little..

Uncanny! It is very hard for people in my life, especially those who see me bouncing around at festival, to understand my need for isolation and solitude. The spawn had to coerce me out of my house yesterday, and I am glad I did. But was just as glad to be back in my comfy zone alone afterwards. I've had people say, "but you're on FB all the time, what's the difference?" The difference is I am on my laptop in my comfy quiet space, and I can just shut the laptop. In a public setting, I can't just shut the screen and retreat. It is nothing personal towards anyone, it is my own personal need for space. I literally get very physically drained from being around others too long. I deal with much energy, some really not so good, at work...people are sick, people are in pain and/or dying...and for someone like me, that takes a big toll on my own energy. So those in my every day life, please try to understand. It isn't that I don't enjoy your company, it's just that I really can't physically handle it as much as I would like.

Being an introvert (and yes, as outgoing as I seem in public, I am a classic introvert) makes maintaining a LTR a bit difficult. Hell, it makes even maintaining a casual relationship difficult, lol, as most do not understand when i choose to close off for a while.

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